🕢Handling Events

In this section of the guide, we go through how to use and handle events.

Griptape has a built-in emitted-based event model that help developers to improve the UX of their app. There is a set of events that you can listen to, for example, when the account from the Account Provider is available (after the bootstrap function is being called) among others. This section explains how and when you might need to use this events, and how to properly managed, so you can use whenever you want.

What is an Event?

In Griptape, events are situations that as an app developer you might be interested in. All events in Griptape are either emitted or listened. Emitted events are all handled by Griptape. On the other hand you might want to listen to them. There is a set of functions that you can use to listen to specific events; we call them Event Handlers. Let's go through some of them.

Anatomy of listening to events

In order to listen to a specific event, you will need first to import an Event Handler. All Event Handlers are named with a prefix on like onAccountAvailable or onAccountChange. In addition to that, all Event Handlers receive a function as its first argument and return a function that stop listening to the event.

import { onAccountAvailable } from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

const stopListen = onAccountAvailable(() => {});

Once you start listen for a specific event, the callback passed as the first argument will be called every time the event happens. Once you don't want to listen to the event anymore, you can call the function returned by the Event Handler.

Running queries that require an address

When running queries using a Contract Client, sometimes you need to pass a user address, like so:

// Build the definition
const def: ContractDefinition = {
  queries: {
    getBalance(ctx: Context) {
      const address = ctx.address;
      return { balance: { address } };

// Create the contract
const contract = createContract<...>({
  id: 'contract',
  at: '...',
  definition: def

// Call `getBalance`

The only issue with this approach is that sometimes the address hasn't been resolved by the AccountProvider(when using Keplr, for example). To prevent this query from failing, wrap it under the onAccountAvailable event:

onAccountAvailable(() => {

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