Hello, Contracts

Read the code for this tutorial here


In this tutorial we are going to build an application, in which you will be able to connect to Keplr, learn to define a contract, also interact with it in a simple way to increment a counter and finally get the value of the counter.


For this tutorial you will need to have a React app created. You can find how to do it here. Also, install your dependencies and install Griptape:

# With npm
npm install && npm install @stakeordie/griptape.js

# With yarn
yarn && yarn add @stakeordie/griptape.js

Getting started

This tutorial consist of these steps:

  1. Grip your application

  2. Bootstrap the application

  3. Create a contract definition

  4. Build the application

Grip your application

Go to the src/index.js and import gripApp and getKeplrAccountProvider from @stakeordie/griptape.js package.

import {
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js";

You can check how to boostrap your app here

Boostrap the application

Open up src/App.js and add a button to bootstrap the application.

    <h1>Hello, Contracts!</h1>
    <p>Is connected? { isConnected ? "Yes": "No" }</p>
      onClick={() => bootstrap()}

Create the contract definition

If we go to the src/contracts/counter.js file, you can see that the first thing we need to do is import createContractClient from @stakeordie/griptape.js. Thus begins the definition of our contract.

import { createContractClient } from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

After that, we need to create the contract definition called counterDef the contract definition includes the messages part, which is everything we are going to write in the blockchain and the queries part, basically everything we are going to read from the blockchain.

const counterDef = {
  messages: {
    incrementCount() {
      const handleMsg = {
        increment: {}
      return { handleMsg };

  queries: {
    getCount() {
      return { get_count: {} };

Finally, we are going to create and export our counterContract using the createContactClient API, which we are going to assign an id that can be the name you want counter in this case, we are also going to assign an address of instantiated contract on the blockchain and don't forget to assign the definition counterDef.

export const counterContract = createContractClient({
  id: 'counter',
  at: 'secret1vk6j69amm37zkhgqgtvjkymjeee4yhxvmmyxja',
  definition: counterDef

Once we have performed the steps above, the code should be seen as follows:

import { createContractClient } from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

const counterDef = {
  messages: {
    incrementCount() {
      const handleMsg = {
        increment: {}
      return { handleMsg };
  queries: {
    getCount() {
      return { get_count: {} };

export const counterContract = createContractClient({
  at: 'secret1vk6j69amm37zkhgqgtvjkymjeee4yhxvmmyxja',
  definition: counterDef

Learn more about contract definitions here

Build the application

To start building our application, first we need to import the contract that we created a few steps before countercontract from './Contracts/Counter'. Then we need to import Bootstrap and onAccountavailable from "@ stakeordie / griptape.js".

import { counterContract } from './contracts/counter';
import {
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js";

Now you can notice that we are using the onAccountAvailable event, it is within a useEffect to know when the user is connected. So, once our app is rendered, it will be asked through the event onAccountAvailable if we are connected. If this is the case we will assign true to the setIsConnected variable.

useEffect(() => {
    const removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable(() => {

    return ()=> {
  }, []);

Now we are going to build the getCount function, which contains an asynchronous request to the contract counterContract in which it specifically requests the getCount query. Once we have the response of this request, we can assign the value to setCount state.

const getCount = async () => {
    const response = await counterContract.getCount();

Now we are going to create the incrementCount function that asynchronously makes the incrementCount request to the counterContract contract and returns the result of it.

const incrementCount = async () => {
    await counterContract.incrementCount();
    return await counterContract.incrementCount();

And adding JSX to our application we can see the full src/App.js code:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { counterContract } from './contracts/counter';
import { bootstrap, onAccountAvailable } from "@stakeordie/griptape.js";

function App() {

  const [count, setCount] = useState('');
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
  const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable(() => {

    return ()=> {
  }, []);

  const getCount = async () => {
    const response = await counterContract.getCount();

  const incrementCount = async () => {
    await counterContract.incrementCount();
    return await counterContract.incrementCount();

  return (
      <h1>Hello, Contracts!</h1>
      <p>Is connected? {isConnected ? "Yes" : "No"}</p>
        onClick={() => { bootstrap(); }}
      <p>Your count is: {count}</p>
      <button disabled={!isConnected} onClick={() => { incrementCount(); }}>{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Increment by 1'}</button>
      <button disabled={!isConnected} onClick={() => { getCount(); }}>Get count</button>

export default App;

Last updated