Hello, Permits


In this tutorial we show you how to create Permits for authenticating a SNIP-20 contract. When you finish this Hello Permit tutorial you will have a web app connected to pulsar-2 with the ability to query the sSCRT balance using permits. Creating permits and connecting the app to Keplr.


In order to go through this tutorial you'll need to have a Vue app created. You can find how to do it here. Also, install your dependencies and install Griptape.

# With npm
npm install && npm install @stakeordie/griptape.js

# With yarn
yarn && yarn add @stakeordie/griptape.js

We highly recommend have done Hello, Griptape before starting this tutorial for higher understanding of Griptape.

Hello, Griptape

Getting started

This tutorial consist of these steps.

  1. Grip an application.

  2. Creating contract definition.

  3. Import neccesary Griptape APIs and Contract Definition.

  4. Bootstrap app.

  5. Creating Permit .

  6. Get Balance.

Checkout the full example in our repo here

Grip an application

As you may know the first thing that we need to do is Grip our application, in this case our app is in src/main.js. This is how our main.js should look like.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import {
} from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

// Define node to connect to.
const restUrl = 'https://api.pulsar.griptapejs.com';

// Get the Keplr provider.
const provider = getKeplrAccountProvider();

// Define how the app is going to be mounted.
function runApp() {

// Grip (AKA initialize) your application.
gripApp(restUrl, provider, runApp);

Creating contract definition

Let's create a folder named contracts inside contracts, let's create a file called sscrt.js. You can copy and paste the next command.

mkdir contracts && touch ./contracts/sscrt.js

Importing APIs in src/contracts/sscrt.js

Now let's move and start working in src/contracts/sscrt.js, we need to import some APIs from Griptape.

import {
} from  '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

Brief explanation of Griptape APIs imported.

  • createContractClient : Help us create an object based on a definition passed in as a parameter.

  • snip20Def : Is a pre-defined contract definition following Secret Network reference.

  • extendContract : API created to create a single contract definition binding two definition, similarly to inheritance in POO.

Defining custom contract definition

Defining a custom contract definition, in this case we have a definition with queries where we defined that we want to query the balance for sSCRT using permits.

const  sscrt_permit = {
	queries: {
		// Getting permit from context 
		getBalance({ permit }) {
			const  query = { balance: { } }
			//Every time we want to use permits we MUST send a query with this structure
			return { with_permit: { query, permit } }

In a contract definition there are queries and messages. Both are objects with functions, all these functions are binding internally and always receive its first parameter what we called in Griptape as Context. In case you don't need any data from context to do the following. getBalance( _ , anyParameter,secondaryParameter).

Creating contract

Finally we just need to create our contract and export it.

export  const  sscrt = createContractClient({
	id:  'sscrt',
	at:  'secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg',
	definition:  extendContract(snip20Def, sscrt_permit)

Brief explanation of createContract API. This function receives a obj with three values.

  • id : Custom id you want to called the contract, is up to you but shouldn't be two or more contracts with same ids, this will cause conflicts.

  • at : Contract address to use.

  • definition : Contract definition to use, in this case we create one based on Secret Network reference and our custom definition created a step before.

Final view of sSCRT Contract Definition .

This is what your src/contracts/sscrt.js should look like.

import {
} from  '@stakeordie/griptape.js';  

const  sscrt_permit = {
	queries: {
		getBalance({ permit }) {
			const  query = { balance: {} }
			return {
				with_permit: { query, permit }

export  const  sscrt = createContractClient({
	id:  'sscrt',
	at:  'secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg',
	definition:  extendContract(snip20Def, sscrt_permit)

Import Griptape APIs and Contract Definition.

Okay, now that we have Grip our app and created our contract definition, let's import some APIs in src/App.vue.

import {
} from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';
import { sscrt } from './contracts/sscrt';

enablePermit help us create a permit very easily and hasPermit returns a boolean indicating if a contract already has permit or not. All others APIs have already been explain in Hello tutorials before.

We also import our contract sscrt we just created in a section before.

Bootstrap app

Before boostrapping our app, we are going to define what our data object should look like and use one of our events APIs, onAccountAvailable explained in tutorials before (more info in Hello, Events).

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isPermit: '',
      loadingBalance: '',
      loading: false,
      isConnected: false,
  mounted() {
    this.removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable(() => {
      this.isPermit = hasPermit(sscrt);
      this.isConnected = true;

As you see we used hasPermit Griptape API, this api returns Boolean and receives a contract as parameter which we imported before.

Now, let's create a simple function to connect the app.

export default {
	// ...data
		async  connect() {
			await  bootstrap();

Creating Permit

With Griptape creating a permit is very easy, enablePermit is an API that receives two parameters, the first is a contract, in this case the one we imported before (sscrt), and a array of permissions to approve, in this case we want to see the balance.

Possible permissions for a SNIP-20 contract "balance" , "history", "allowance".

Possible permissions for a SNIP-721 contract "owner"

We are going to create a simple util function to create a permit. like the following.

export default {
	// ...data
		// ... more methods
	async createPermit() {
	      this.loading = true;
	      try {
	        // Execute `enablePermit` message on sscrt contract.
	        await enablePermit(sscrt,['balance']);
	        this.isPermit = hasPermit(sscrt);
	      } catch (e) {
	        // ignore for now
	      } finally {
	        this.loading = false;

Get Balance

To get the balance as easy as create a simple function like this.

export default {
	// ...data
		// ... more methods
		async getBalance() {
	      try {
	        this.loadingBalance = true;
	        // Do nothing if we don't have a permit.
	        if (!hasPermit(sscrt)) return;
	        // In case we have a permit, fetch the balance.
	        const { balance: { amount } } = await sscrt.getBalance();
	        const balance = coinConvert(amount, '6', 'human');
	        this.balance = balance;
	      } catch (error) {
	        // ignore for now
	        this.loadingBalance = false;

Finally just show the information:

      <h1>Hello, Permits!</h1>
      <p>Is connected? {{isConnected ? "Yes" : "No"}}</p>
      <button :disabled="isConnected" @click="connect">Bootstrap</button>
      <p>You have permit?: {{isPermit ? 'Yes' : 'No'}}</p>
      <p>Your balance is: {{balance}}</p>
      <button :disabled="!isConnected" @click="createPermit">{{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Create Permit'}}</button>
      <button :disabled="!isPermit" @click="getBalance">{{loadingBalance ? 'Loading...' : 'Get Balance'}}</button>

Final view of src/App.vue

      <h1>Hello, Permits!</h1>
      <p>Is connected? {{isConnected ? "Yes" : "No"}}</p>
      <button :disabled="isConnected" @click="connect">Bootstrap</button>
      <p>You have permit?: {{isPermit ? 'Yes' : 'No'}}</p>
      <p>Your balance is: {{balance}}</p>
      <button :disabled="!isConnected" @click="createPermit">{{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Create Permit'}}</button>
      <button :disabled="!isPermit" @click="getBalance">{{loadingBalance ? 'Loading...' : 'Get Balance'}}</button>

import {
} from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';
import { sscrt } from './contracts/sscrt';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isPermit: '',
      loadingBalance: '',
      loading: false,
      isConnected: false,

  mounted() {
    this.removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable(() => {
      this.isPermit = hasPermit(sscrt);
      this.isConnected = true;

  methods: {
    async createPermit() {
      this.loading = true;

      try {
        // Execute `enablePermit` message on sscrt contract.
        await enablePermit(sscrt,['balance']);

        this.isPermit = hasPermit(sscrt);
      } catch (e) {
        // ignore for now
      } finally {
        this.loading = false;
    async connect() {
      await bootstrap();

    async getBalance() {
      try {
        this.loadingBalance = true;
        // Do nothing if we don't have a permit.
        if (!hasPermit(sscrt)) return;
        // In case we have a permit, fetch the balance.
        const { balance: { amount } } = await sscrt.getBalance();
        const balance = coinConvert(amount, '6', 'human');
        this.balance = balance;
      } catch (error) {
        // ignore for now
        this.loadingBalance = false;

Checkout the full example in our repo here

Last updated