read the code for this tutorial here
This tutorial walks you through creating an application that sends a SNIP-20 tokens from the selected wallet to another one. You will learn how to use the SNIP-20 built-in definition and how to set up a simple architecture for your contracts in general.
In order to go through this tutorial you'll need to have a Vue created. You can find how to do it here . Also, install your dependencies and install Griptape:
Copy # With npm
npm install && npm install @stakeordie/griptape.js
# With yarn
yarn && yarn add @stakeordie/griptape.js
Getting Started
This tutorial consist of these steps:
Bootstrap the application
Create a SNIP-20 client contract
Create a viewing key for the SNIP-20 token
Display current token balance
Create form to execute a message that sends tokens
Grip your application
Go to the src/main.js
and import gripApp and getKeplrAccountProvider from @stakeordie/griptape.js
Copy import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import {
gripApp ,
} from '@stakeordie/griptape.js' ;
const restUrl = '' ;
const provider = getKeplrAccountProvider ();
function runApp () {
createApp (App)
.mount ( '#app' )
gripApp (restUrl , provider , runApp);
Bootstrap the application
Open up src/App.js
and add a button to bootstrap the application.
Copy < template >
< div >
< h1 >Hello, Transactions!</ h1 >
< button @click = "connect" :disabled = "isConnected" >Connect</ button >
</ div >
</ template >
< script >
import {
bootstrap ,
onAccountAvailable ,
onViewingKeyCreated ,
viewingKeyManager ,
coinConvert ,
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js" ;
export default {
data : () => ({
isConnected : false ,
removeOnAccountAvailable : null ,
removeOnViewingKeyCreated : null ,
}) ,
mounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable (() => {
this .isConnected = true ;
} ,
unmounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable ();
} ,
methods : {
async connect () {
await bootstrap ();
} ,
</ script >
Create a SNIP-20 client contract
Create a new directory in the src
directory called contracts
and add a new file called sscrt.js
. This will the contract we will be interacting with.
Copy import {
createContractClient ,
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js" ;
export const sscrt = createContractClient ({
id : "sscrt" ,
at : "secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg" ,
definition : snip20Def
Create a viewing key for the SNIP-20 token
Create a button that create and sets a new viewing key for the SNIP-20 token. Set the viewing key using the viewingKeyManager
object by importing it.
Copy < template >
< div >
< h1 >Hello, Transactions!</ h1 >
< p >Is connected? {{ isConnected ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< p >Has viewing key? {{ hasViewingKey() ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< button @click = "connect" :disabled = "isConnected" >Connect</ button >
< button
@click = "createViewingKey"
:disabled = "isMessageLoading || hasViewingKey() || !isConnected"
Create Viewing Key
</ button >
</ div >
</ template >
< script >
import {
bootstrap ,
onAccountAvailable ,
onViewingKeyCreated ,
viewingKeyManager ,
coinConvert ,
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js" ;
import { sscrt } from "../contracts/sscrt" ;
export default {
data : () => ({
isConnected : false ,
isMessageLoading : false ,
isQueryLoading : false ,
balance : "" ,
address : "" ,
amount : "" ,
removeOnAccountAvailable : null ,
removeOnViewingKeyCreated : null ,
}) ,
mounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable (() => {
this .isConnected = true ;
this .hasViewingKey ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated = onViewingKeyCreated (() => {
this .hasViewingKey ();
} ,
unmounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated ();
} ,
methods : {
async connect () {
await bootstrap ();
} ,
hasViewingKey () {
const key = viewingKeyManager .get ( sscrt .at);
return typeof key !== "undefined" ;
} ,
async createViewingKey () {
this .isMessageLoading = true ;
try {
const result = await sscrt .createViewingKey ();
if ( result .isEmpty ()) return ;
const {
create_viewing_key: { key } ,
} = result .parse ();
viewingKeyManager .add (sscrt , key);
} finally {
this .isMessageLoading = false ;
} ,
} ,
</ script >
Display current account token balance
Create a button and bind a click event to a function that queries the token balance of the sscrt
client contract.
Copy < template >
< div >
< h1 >Hello, Transactions!</ h1 >
< p >Is connected? {{ isConnected ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< p >Has viewing key? {{ hasViewingKey() ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< p >SNIP-20 Token Balance: {{ balance }}</ p >
< button @click = "connect" :disabled = "isConnected" >Connect</ button >
< button
@click = "createViewingKey"
:disabled = "isMessageLoading || hasViewingKey() || !isConnected"
Create Viewing Key
</ button >
< button @click = "getBalance" @disabled = "isQueryLoading" >Get Balance</ button >
</ div >
</ template >
< script >
import {
bootstrap ,
onAccountAvailable ,
onViewingKeyCreated ,
viewingKeyManager ,
coinConvert ,
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js" ;
import { sscrt } from "../contracts/sscrt" ;
export default {
data : () => ({
isConnected : false ,
isMessageLoading : false ,
isQueryLoading : false ,
balance : "" ,
address : "" ,
amount : "" ,
removeOnAccountAvailable : null ,
removeOnViewingKeyCreated : null ,
}) ,
mounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable (() => {
this .isConnected = true ;
this .hasViewingKey ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated = onViewingKeyCreated (() => {
this .hasViewingKey ();
} ,
unmounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated ();
} ,
methods : {
async connect () {
await bootstrap ();
} ,
hasViewingKey () {
const key = viewingKeyManager .get ( sscrt .at);
return typeof key !== "undefined" ;
} ,
async createViewingKey () {
this .isMessageLoading = true ;
try {
const result = await sscrt .createViewingKey ();
if ( result .isEmpty ()) return ;
const {
create_viewing_key: { key } ,
} = result .parse ();
viewingKeyManager .add (sscrt , key);
} finally {
this .isMessageLoading = false ;
} ,
async getBalance () {
if ( ! this .hasViewingKey ()) return ;
this .isQueryLoading = true ;
try {
const {
balance: { amount: result } ,
} = await sscrt .getBalance ();
const amount = coinConvert (result , 6 , "human" );
this .balance = amount;
} finally {
this .isQueryLoading = false ;
} ,
</ script >
Create form to execute a message that sends tokens
Create a form to input an address and an amount and execute the send
message on the sscrt
Copy < template >
< div >
< h1 >Hello, Transactions!</ h1 >
< p >Is connected? {{ isConnected ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< p >Has viewing key? {{ hasViewingKey() ? "Yes" : "No" }}</ p >
< p >SNIP-20 Token Balance: {{ balance }}</ p >
< button @click = "connect" :disabled = "isConnected" >Connect</ button >
< button
@click = "createViewingKey"
:disabled = "isMessageLoading || hasViewingKey() || !isConnected"
Create Viewing Key
</ button >
< button @click = "getBalance" @disabled = "isQueryLoading" >Get Balance</ button >
< form @submit = "sendTokens" >
< input
type = "text"
placeholder = "Address to send to"
@change = "(e) => (this.address ="
:value = "address"
< input
type = "number"
placeholder = "Amount to send"
@change = "(e) => (this.amount ="
:value = "amount"
< button :disabled = "isMessageLoading" >Send tokens</ button >
</ form >
</ div >
</ template >
< script >
import {
bootstrap ,
onAccountAvailable ,
onViewingKeyCreated ,
viewingKeyManager ,
coinConvert ,
} from "@stakeordie/griptape.js" ;
import { sscrt } from "../contracts/sscrt" ;
export default {
data : () => ({
isConnected : false ,
isMessageLoading : false ,
isQueryLoading : false ,
balance : "" ,
address : "" ,
amount : "" ,
removeOnAccountAvailable : null ,
removeOnViewingKeyCreated : null ,
}) ,
mounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable = onAccountAvailable (() => {
this .isConnected = true ;
this .hasViewingKey ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated = onViewingKeyCreated (() => {
this .hasViewingKey ();
} ,
unmounted () {
this .removeOnAccountAvailable ();
this .removeOnViewingKeyCreated ();
} ,
methods : {
async connect () {
await bootstrap ();
} ,
hasViewingKey () {
const key = viewingKeyManager .get ( sscrt .at);
return typeof key !== "undefined" ;
} ,
async createViewingKey () {
this .isMessageLoading = true ;
try {
const result = await sscrt .createViewingKey ();
if ( result .isEmpty ()) return ;
const {
create_viewing_key: { key } ,
} = result .parse ();
viewingKeyManager .add (sscrt , key);
} finally {
this .isMessageLoading = false ;
} ,
async getBalance () {
if ( ! this .hasViewingKey ()) return ;
this .isQueryLoading = true ;
try {
const {
balance: { amount: result } ,
} = await sscrt .getBalance ();
const amount = coinConvert (result , 6 , "human" );
this .balance = amount;
} finally {
this .isQueryLoading = false ;
} ,
async sendTokens (e) {
e .preventDefault ();
if ( ! this .address || ! this .amount) return ;
this .isMessageLoading = true ;
try {
const theAmount = coinConvert ( this .amount , 6 , "machine" );
await sscrt .send ( this .address , theAmount);
this .address = "" ;
this .amount = "" ;
} finally {
this .isMessageLoading = false ;
} ,
} ,
</ script >