More on Definitions

Introducing Context

queries and messages requires certain request parameters in order to be executed, e.g.

const sefi: ContractDefinition = {
  queries: {
    getBalance() {
      // `address` and `key` are required for this query
      return { balance: { } };

For this cases, Griptape provides any query or message a Context object as the first parameter of the function:

import { Context, ... } from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

const sefi: ContractDefinition = {
  queries: {
    // Using context to get the `address` and `key`
    getBalance(ctx: Context) {
      const address = ctx.address;
      const key = ctx.key;
      return { balance: { address, key } };

Also, you can define parameters at the right of a query or message:

import { Context, ... } from '@stakeordie/griptape.js';

const sefi: ContractDefinition = {
  queries: {
      ctx: Context,
      page_size: number
    ): ContractQueryRequest {
      return { transfer_history: { address, key, page_size } };

So you can pass those as arguments when you call the method of a created contract:

// Passing a page size
await sefi.getTransferHistory(20);

Defining the context for all your queries and messages is required even if you don't use it. As a good practice, for a unused context, name the identifier _ to express what is not being used by that query or message:

  _: Context, // We are not using the context in this query
  owner: string,
  spender: string,
  key: string
): ContractQueryRequest {
  return { allowance: { owner, spender, key } };

More on Defining Messages

When writing messages in your contract definition, you have the following options to pass to each message:

interface ContractMessageRequest {
  handleMsg: Record<string, unknown>;
  memo?: string;
  transferAmount?: { amount: string, denom: string };
  fees?: number;

So if you want to pass a custom fee for this message you do:

const def = {
  messages: {
    coolMessageName(...): ContractMessageRequest {
      const fees = 1_000_000;
      const memo = 'My Custom Memo';
      const transferAmount = { amount: '...', denom: '...' };
      const handleMsg = { ... };
      return { handleMsg, fees, memo, transferAmount };

More on Defining Queries

Height is an autoincrementable in the blockchain and serves as a reference point in time. Some queries need it, fot those who needs this data there is a function that comes in the context, withHeigth wich recieves a function that receives height and returns the JSON that you want to query.

const def = {
    queries: {
        return withHeight(height => {
          const query = { balance: { height } }
          return {
            with_permit: { query, permit }

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